
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
Vialli1927Primo elenco di rabdoceli raccolti in Lombardia
Jansson1968Quantitative and experimental studies of the interstitial fauna in four Swedish Sandy beaches
van Beneden1870Recherches sur la composition et la signification de l'oeuf
Girard1893Recherches sur les planariéns et les némertiens de l'Amerique du Nord
E Jones1938Report of several species of Turbellaria not hitherto reported from the United States
Marcus1954Reports of the Lund University Expedition 1948-49. 11. Turbellaria
Zhao, Luo, Wang2011Research on taxonomic characters and one new recorded species of genus Macrostomum (Platyhelminthes, Macrostomida) from China [In Chinese with English summary]
Uljanin1870Resnichnye chervi (Turbellaria) Sevastopol'skoi buhty [In Russian]
Beklemischev1921Resniie tscherwi (Turbellaria) Petrogradskoi gub. [In Russian]
von Hofsten1912Revision der Schweizerischen Rhabdocoelen und Alloeecoelen
de Beauchamp1927Rhabdocoeles des sables a diatomees d'Arcachon. II. Autres formes nouvelles ou peu connues
Mack-Fira1968Rhabdocoeliden aus dem Überschwemmungsgebiet der Donau
Papi1951Richerche sui Turbellari Macrostomidae
C Hartog1974Salt-marsh Turbellaria
Martens, Schockaert1981Sand dwelling Turbellaria from the Netherlands delta area
Faubel, Blome, Cannon1994Sandy beach meiofauna of eastern Australia (Southern Queensland and New South Wales). I. Introduction and macrostomida (Platyhelminthes)
Papi1959Specie nuove o poco note del gen. Macrostomum (Turbellaria: Macrostomida) rinvenute in Italia
Beklemischev1951Species of the genus Macrostomum (Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela) of the USSR (O vidach roda Macrostomum SSSR) [In Russian]
Beklemischev1951Species of the genus Macrostomum (Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela) of the USSR. [English Translation]
Ax1955Studien über psammobionte Turbellaria Macrostomida. III. Paromalostomum mediterraneum nov. spec.
Ax1956Studien über psammobionte Turbellaria Macrostomida. IV. Myozona stylifera nov. spec.
von Hofsten1907Studien über Turbellarien aus dem Berner Oberland
Brinkmann1905Studier over Danmarks rhabdocöle og acöle turbellarier
Hyman1936Studies on the Rhabdocoela of North America I. On Macrostomum tubum (von Graff) 1882
Ferguson, Stirewalt, Brown, Hayes, Jr1939Studies on the turbellarian fauna of the Mountain Lake Biological Station. I. Ecology and distribution
Ferguson, E Jones1940Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk Area, I
Ferguson, E Jones1940Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk Area, I Macrostomum ruebushi var kepneri new variety
Ferguson, E Jones1940Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk Area, I Macrostomum ruebushi var kepneri new variety
E Jones, Ferguson1940Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk Area, IV. Macrostomum norfolkensis n.sp.
E Jones, Ferguson1940Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk Area, IV. Macrostomum norfolkensis n.sp.
Ferguson, E Jones1940Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk Area. V. Anatomical notes on the American representative of Macrostomum orthostylum Braun 1885
E Jones, Ferguson1941Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk area: VI. Anatomy of Macrostomum appendiculatum var. stirewalti
Papi1950Sulle affinità morfologiche nella familia Macrostomidae (Turbellaria)
Gieysztor1931Sur deux espéces rares du genre Macrostomum (Rhabdocoela)
Korgina2002Survey of Turbellaria fauna from the upper Volga river basin [In Russian]
Young1976Systematic studies of limnic Macrostomum species (Turbellaria, Macrostomida) from East Africa
Gieysztor1938Systematisch-anatomische Untersuchungen an Turbellarien Polens
Marcus1946Sôbre Turbellaria Brasileiros
Wang, Hu, Luo2004The biological characteristics of Macrostomum tuba in China
Janssen, Vizoso, Schulte, Littlewood, Waeschenbach, Schärer2015The first multi-gene phylogeny of the Macrostomorpha sheds light on the evolution of sexual and asexual reproduction in basal Platyhelminthes
Faubel, Warwick2005The marine flora and fauna of the Isles of Scilly: Free-living Plathelminthes ('Turbellaria')
Ferguson1937The morphology and taxonomy of Macrostomum beaufortensis n. sp.
Ferguson, Stirewalt1938The morphology and taxonomy of Macrostomum phillipsi n. sp.
Ferguson1937The morphology and taxonomy of Macrostomum virginianum n. sp.
Rieger1977The relationship of character variability and morphological complexity in copulatory structures of Turbellaria-Macrostomida and -Haplopharyngida
Beltagi1972The Turbellaria fauna of Egypt (new Macrostomida)
Mack-Fira1974The turbellarian fauna of the Romanian littoral waters of the Black Sea and its annexes.
Shi, Zeng, Wang, Zhang, Deng, Wang2022Three new species of Macrostomum (Platyhelminthes, Macrostomorpha) from China and Australia, with notes on taxonomy and phylogenetics
Wang2005Three new species of the genus Macrostomum from China (Platyhelminthes, Macrostomida, Macrostomidae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith