Revision of About the Bibliography from Fri, 2007-12-14 16:38

One of the main problems with taxonomic work is that many species descriptions are published in old and/or cryptic journals that are often only held by the best libraries of the world. This bibliography aims at providing a complete list of all scholarly articles that are relevant to the description of species among the Macrostomorpha and where possible each citation carries an attached PDF file of the article.

These files were scanned to PDF (generally from already copied originals) using a copy machine with an built-in document scanner. The resulting files were optimized using the default settings of the 'Optimize Scanned PDF' function of Adobe Acrobat Professional and then converted into PDFs with searchable text using the built-in 'OCR Text Recognition' function. Whenever possible the appropriate primary OCR language was used and the 'Searchable Image (Exact)' output option without downsampling was selected.

This yields documents in which the recognized text is searchable, but where the files still display the scanned images. This is important, because the quality of the optical character recognition process is variable and strongly depends on the quality of the original copy. 

If you have a copies or reprints of articles that are not in the bibliography, or if you have a copy of a given article that is of higher quality, please consider donating it to the site.

Finally, you should be careful in concluding that a certain word does not occur in a document if you can't find it when you perform a search on the document. The human eye is still much better at making sense of a low-quality scans than a computer. 

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith