stylet shaft with more than one turn
Macrostomum lutheri Fig 5-8.jpg
Macrostomum lutheri Fig 5-8.jpg
Imaging technique:
Taxonomic name:
Promacrostomum gieysztori Fig 45-50.jpg
Promacrostomum gieysztori Fig 45-50.jpg
Imaging technique:
habitus total (Image keywords), stylet base conical (Image keywords), stylet tip opening subterminal (Image keywords), stylet shaft with one turn (Image keywords), stylet shaft with more than one turn (Image keywords), eyes normal (Image keywords), stylet base tubular (Image keywords), stylet tip thickening unilateral pointed (Image keywords)
Taxonomic name:
Promacrostomum gieysztori Fig 52-53.jpg
Promacrostomum gieysztori Fig 52-53.jpg
Imaging technique:
Taxonomic name:
Promacrostomum gieysztori Fig 51.jpg
Promacrostomum gieysztori Fig 51.jpg
Imaging technique:
Taxonomic name:
Macrostomum mystrophorum Fig 12-17.jpg
Macrostomum mystrophorum Fig 12-17.jpg
Imaging technique:
habitus total (Image keywords), eyes small (Image keywords), stylet base conical (Image keywords), stylet shaft with one turn (Image keywords), stylet shaft decoration absent (Image keywords), stylet tip opening oblique (Image keywords), stylet tip thickening absent (Image keywords), stylet shaft with more than one turn (Image keywords)
Stylet slightly curved, not spiral, with slightly dilated, spoon-shaped end. Distal opening of the stilette oval, situated subterminally on the concave side. p. 29
Taxonomic name:
Macrostomum sinensis Fig 1-8.jpg
Macrostomum sinensis Fig 1-8.jpg
Imaging technique:
habitus total (Image keywords), eyes small (Image keywords), stylet base conical (Image keywords), stylet tip thickening unclear (Image keywords), stylet shaft decoration absent (Image keywords), stylet shaft with more than one turn (Image keywords), photo (Image keywords), habitus detail (Image keywords), stylet tip opening unclear (Image keywords)
The penis st ylet gonopore opens on the side of the penis end, which is ball-like. p. 720
Taxonomic name:
Macrostomum xiamensis Fig 4-13.jpg
Macrostomum xiamensis Fig 4-13.jpg
Imaging technique:
habitus total (Image keywords), stylet base conical (Image keywords), stylet shaft decoration absent (Image keywords), section (Image keywords), stylet tip opening oblique (Image keywords), stylet shaft with more than one turn (Image keywords), photo (Image keywords), habitus detail (Image keywords), eyes normal (Image keywords), stylet tip thickening unilateral pointed (Image keywords)
Acerose smooth penis stylet, no chitin valve in the surface. Its far-forth end show helical curly form. The penis stylet is like end of injector, opening at outboard part of helical bend. p. 703
Taxonomic name:
Macrostomum xiamensis Fig 1-3.jpg
Macrostomum xiamensis Fig 1-3.jpg
Imaging technique:
habitus total (Image keywords), stylet base conical (Image keywords), stylet shaft decoration absent (Image keywords), stylet tip opening oblique (Image keywords), stylet tip thickening absent (Image keywords), stylet shaft with more than one turn (Image keywords), eyes normal (Image keywords), sperm feeler indistinct (Image keywords), sperm bristles present (Image keywords)
With bean-, cycle-, kidney- or long kidney-like eyes. The end of penis is spinous, twisting vertically from penis plane. p. 720
Taxonomic name:
Macrostomum balticum Fig 2.jpg
Macrostomum balticum Fig 2.jpg
Imaging technique:
Taxonomic name:
Macrostomum johni Fig 1.jpg
Macrostomum johni Fig 1.jpg
Imaging technique:
habitus total (Image keywords), eyes small (Image keywords), stylet base conical (Image keywords), stylet tip opening subterminal (Image keywords), stylet shaft with one turn (Image keywords), stylet shaft decoration absent (Image keywords), stylet shaft with more than one turn (Image keywords), stylet base tubular (Image keywords), stylet tip thickening unilateral blunt (Image keywords)
Taxonomic name: