
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Ferguson1939A monograph of the genus Macrostomum O. Schmidt 1848. Part III.
Ferguson1939A monograph of the genus Macrostomum O. Schmidt 1848. Part IV.
Ferguson1939A monograph of the genus Macrostomum O. Schmidt 1848. Part V.
Ferguson1937The morphology and taxonomy of Macrostomum beaufortensis n. sp.
Ferguson1937The morphology and taxonomy of Macrostomum virginianum n. sp.
Ferguson, E Jones1940Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk Area, I
Ferguson, E Jones1940Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk Area. V. Anatomical notes on the American representative of Macrostomum orthostylum Braun 1885
Ferguson, E Jones1940Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk Area, I Macrostomum ruebushi var kepneri new variety
Ferguson, E Jones1940Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk Area, I Macrostomum ruebushi var kepneri new variety
Ferguson, Stirewalt1938The morphology and taxonomy of Macrostomum phillipsi n. sp.
Ferguson, Stirewalt, Brown, Hayes, Jr1939Studies on the turbellarian fauna of the Mountain Lake Biological Station. I. Ecology and distribution
Fize1963Contribution a l'étude de la microfaune des sables littoraux du Golfe D'Aigues-Mortes
Fuhrmann1900Note sur les Turbellaries des environs de Genève
Fuhrmann1894Über die Turbellarienfauna der Umgebung von Basel
Gamo, Noreña-Janssen1998Old and new records of turbellarians from the central areas of Spain
Gamo, Leal-Zanchet2004Freshwater microturbellarians (Platyhelminthes) from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Gieysztor1938Über einige Turbellarien aus dem Süsswasserpsammon
Gieysztor1938Systematisch-anatomische Untersuchungen an Turbellarien Polens
Gieysztor1931Sur deux espéces rares du genre Macrostomum (Rhabdocoela)
Gieysztor1931Contribution à la connaissance des Turbellariés Rhabdocoèles (Turbellaria Rhabdocoela) d'Espagne
Gieysztor1926Uber die Rhabdocoelidenfauna aus der Umgebung von Warschau
Girard1893Recherches sur les planariéns et les némertiens de l'Amerique du Nord
C Hartog1977Turbellaria from intertidal flats and salt-marshes in estuaries of the south-western part of the Netherlands
Hayes, Jr, Ferguson1940Notes on the morphology of Macrostomum ruebushi var. schmitti
Higley1918Morphology and biology of some Turbellaria from the Mississippi basin
Hyman1955Miscellaneous marine and terrestrial flatworms from South America
Hyman1943On a species of Macrostomum (Turbellaria: Rhabdocoela) found in tanks of exotic fishes
Hyman1936Studies on the Rhabdocoela of North America I. On Macrostomum tubum (von Graff) 1882
Jones1944Macrostomum hustedi n. sp.; a morphological and cytological study of a rhabdocoel Turbellarian
E Jones, Ferguson1941Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk area: VI. Anatomy of Macrostomum appendiculatum var. stirewalti
E Jones, Ferguson1940Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk Area, IV. Macrostomum norfolkensis n.sp.
E Jones, Ferguson1940Studies on the Turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk Area, IV. Macrostomum norfolkensis n.sp.
Karling1974Turbellarian fauna of the Baltic proper: Indentification, ecology and biogeography
Karling1965Haplopharynx rostratus Meixner (Turbellaria) mit den Nemertinen vergleichen.
Kepner, Stiff1932Observations upon the American representative of Macrostomum tuba
Kolasa1973Two new species of Macrostomum (Turbellaria), a redescription of an established species, and new records from Poland.
Kolasa1973Turbellaria and Nemertini of greenhouses in Poznán (in Polish)
Kolasa1971Two new species of microturbellaria of the genera Stenostomum O. Schmidt and Macrostomum O. Schmidt
Ladurner, Schärer, Salvenmoser, Rieger2005A new model organism among the lower Bilateria and the use of digital microscopy in taxonomy of meiobenthic Platyhelminthes: Macrostomum lignano, n. sp. (Rhabditophora, Macrostomorpha)
An-der-Lan1967Zur Turbellarien-Fauna des hyporheischen Interstitials
An-der-Lan1939Zur rhabdocoelen Turbellarienfauna des Ochridasees (Balkan)
Luther1960Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens I. Acoela, Catenulida, Macrostomida, Lecithoepitheliata, Prolecithophora, und Proseriata.
Luther1947Untersuchungen an rhabdocoelen Turbellarien VI. Macrostomiden aus Finnland.
Luther1918Vorläufiges Verzeichnis der rhabdocölen und alloeocölen Turbellarien Finnlands.
Luther1905Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Macrostoma
Mack-Fira1971Deux turbellariés nouveaux de la mer noire
Mack-Fira1968Macrostomide (Turbellaria Macrostomida) din apele interioare ale Romaniei.
Mack-Fira1968Macrostomum romanicum sp. n., un Turbellarié des lacs salés de la Roumanie
Marcus1954Reports of the Lund University Expedition 1948-49. 11. Turbellaria
Marcus1954Turbellaria Brasileiros - XI


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith